Regular VFMS Business Meetings are scheduled for the SECOND THURSDAY of each month,
Our meetings start at 2:30 pm, at 3483 Lovat Avenue, Victoria, BC
2023 MONTHLY Business Meetings
- September:
· Patty is having some trouble booking acts, singles;
· Christmas Folk 17 [closed Dec 24 & 31, 2023] “Concert in the Round”?, “Booked Open Stage”?,
... “Panel Concert”? NO POTLUCK FOOD, NO DANCE.
· a discussion about the weekly Land Acknowledgement;
· VFMS October Features;
· the (black box) mic volume continues to be flakey from week to week; “one size fits all, badly”;
· develop “Job Descriptions”? (Knowledge Sharing: similar to “How to Put On a House Concert”)
... [text? website? newsletter?];
· NEW merch request. add stock? storage?
· Next Meeting: 2:30pm, Thursday, October 12, 2023.
- August:
· Harry Martin (Waked); earlier: Doug Mann (Sep 16 Celebration);
· John Prine Tribute concert in October;
· Carol’s outstanding expenses are all caught up (reimbursed);
· September PDF VFMS Newsletter to subscribers (MailChimp)… last week of August (and website —
... check, AND printed copies at Folk on Sep 03;
· June House numbers were moderate;
· will no Summer Folk affect club support / future attendance?
- June:
· May House numbers were very mixed: bad, great;
· informal July AND August PDF VFMS Newsletters/Event Lists?
· “Summer Jam and Social” Sunday, August 20;
· 2024 Retreat ?? a lot of work, few volunteers, financial risks…
· VFMS Sunday, Sep. 03, 2023 (The Folk restarts);
· Next Meeting: 2:30 pm, Tuesday, August 15.
- May:
· open the hall to the public at 6:30; jam at 6:30;
· June 25 feature cancelled… multi-feature? No. multi-feature details…;
· April House numbers were very good;
· “Summer Jam and Social” Sunday, August 20;
· list of possible Jam Tune contributors;
· September newsletter should be printed and ready for first Sunday;
· No 2023 Autumn Retreat at Camp Pringle.
- April:
· Raising Admission and Membership? table until Fall;
· Houses have been really good. Memberships are consistent and keep us going;
· Summer: Regular jams? venues? Picnic Jam?
· Picnic date?
· Islands Folk Festival sponsors;
· Quadra Village Day: May 13th;
· Jim is investigating A.I. possibilities…
- March:
· Currently 77 paid-up memberships;
· Grant money: nope.
· Islands Folk Festival (July 21–23)
· RETREAT? Camp Pringle, Camp Bernard, other?
- February:
· Kitchen is doing great, almost breaking even, we have good volunteers;
· Should we raise the door price?
· Seriously considering closing July and August to reduce financial losses;
· Proposal: Close the Folk for July and August for this summer only. All agreed!
· Grant money? some applications are pending;
· Another discussion about getting younger people to come to Folk;
· John Prine and/or Stan Rogers tribute features are possibilities;
· VFMS Facebook coverage?
- January:
· Mid-Winter Ceilidh was poorly attended (43);
· Patty is not getting as many inquiries from performers;
· poor attendance is costing us money re: weekly expenses…
2022 MONTHLY Business Meetings
- December:
- 5:00pm Tuesday afternoon, November 29, 2022: Annual General Meeting & potluck!
- October: still small-ish turnouts, some kitchen income; consistently good feature acts…
- September: we will slowly start up the kitchen, dependant on volunteers…
- August: small-ish turnouts, no kitchen income; we’re losing money…
- July: small-ish turnouts, no kitchen income; we’re losing money…
- June: VFMS Summer Picnic & Jam in August, maybe not food…
- May: members health report; Hall temp is default 16°C;
Kitchen goodies: not yet / loss of revenue; promo & PR; …
- April: Kitchen reopening requires ten committed volunteers every week!
May Long Weekend: the Sons of Norway have the Hall for Sunday evening;
Patty will ask Blackthorn to perform for us on Saturday evening
- March: First 2022 Sunday Night at Norway House: March 27!
- not much happening
2020 MONTHLY Business Meetings
- SARS-COV-2? Pandemic? COVID-19?
- March: changing webhost.
- January: happened.
2019 MONTHLY Business Meetings
- December: Annual General Meeting, followed by the monthly meeting.
We will be raising our prices a bit in the new year. And our 2020 Autumn Retreat
will fall on the second weekend of November (Nov. 13th, 14th & 15th, 2020).
- November: Autumn Retreat, cash flow issues, etc.
- October: Autumn Retreat, etc.
- September: Autumn Retreat, etc.
- August: happened.
- July: some changes coming up for our website.
- June: Shakespeare in Victoria.
- April: another successful month.
- March: happened.
- February: happened.
- January: happened.
2018 MONTHLY Business Meetings
- December: our 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
preceded our monthly meeting (for December)
- October: more Autumn Retreat;
a possible NEW May 2019 Sidney Fiddle Festival;
some unease re: technology (our non-communicative web host,
our obsolete accounting software & hardware);
our budget is on track.
- August: details for the Autumn Retreat.
- July: some discussion of the Autumn Retreat (Nov. 09, 10, & 11)
rising costs, pricing, promo
2017 MONTHLY Business Meetings
- December: 2017 AGM, followed by monthly business
- November: more details for the Autumn Retreat;
upcoming 2017 AGM.
- October: more details for the Autumn Retreat;
- September: details for the Autumn Retreat.
- July: some discussion of the Autumn Retreat (Nov. 10, 11, & 12)
rising costs, pricing, promo
- April: …good cookies!
- March: We need to raise our Admission and Membership fees to break even,
so this will happen in May 2017.
- February: CANCELLED due to snowy/icy roads
- January: details for the AGM; review of our 2016.
2016 MONTHLY Business Meetings
- December: details for the AGM;
review of Autumn Retreat.
- September: more discussion of the Autumn Retreat;
sound amplification;
how changed provincial regulations affects our status.
- July: some discussion of the Autumn Retreat:
Friday to Sunday OR Thursday to Sunday?
- June: the Summer events season is upon us.
- May: We will test using a single microphone to enhance the vocals.
- March: We will test using twin microphones to enhance the vocals.
- February: Attendance for January Sundays was excellent.
2015 MONTHLY Business Meetings
- December: The Annual General Meeting (7:30pm, Dec. 8th) and review of 2015 stuff.
- November: main focus on VFMS November Retreat.
- October: main focus on VFMS November Retreat.
- August: We are planning the Fifth Annual VFMS Community Picnic for Saturday,
August 15th, 3–7:00 pm at Esquimalt Gorge Park, 1070 Tillicum Road.
Also: the VFMS Autumn Retreat for November 6–8, 2015, at Camp George Pringle, on Shawnigan Lake, BC
- May: The 40th Anniversary Panel Concert was a huge success and one of the
best nights ever!
- April: 40th Anniversary events planning; more discussion about our annual VFMS Retreat…
- March: will canvas for opinions and options regarding our annual retreat…
- February: some uncertainty about continuing to use Camp George Pringle for our seasonal retreat…
- January: adding focus for the VFMS’s 40th year of music, people, and community.
2014 MONTHLY Business Meetings
- December: VFMS 2014 AGM happened Tuesday, Dec. 2nd, 2014, 7:30pm immediately prior to our monthly (December) Business Meeting.
- November: busy continues, the WLA took too many dozens of hours from our volunteer.
- October: lots of stuff happening, folks are busy!
the VFMS Folk Retreat (Nov. 7-9). Cost: $125.
- September: Planning and organizing VFMS Folk Retreat (Nov. 7-9). Cost: TBA.
at Camp George Pringle, Shawnigan Lake, B.C.
- August: (Saturday, 9th) VFMS Third Annual Community Picnic (Time: 3-7pm)
Esquimalt Gorge Park, 1070 Tillicum Road, Victoria, BC
Bring instruments, songs, a potluck contribution, chairs, drinks, plates, cutlery, sunscreen.
The potluck feast will begin at 5:00 pm.
- May: We are partnering with The Western Literature Association (WLA) to produce a
Connie Kaldor concert with their Victoria-based conference in November 2014.
- April: We will have a 2014 VFMS November Folk Retreat!
2013 MONTHLY Business Meetings
- December 29: Seasonal Potluck and Dance
- December: our December Business Meeting started with our AGM:
The VFMS Annual General Meeting: December 4th, 2013.
- November 26: Retreat Review Business Meeting
our November business meeting on October 30th, 2013 covering VFMS Folk Retreat details (Nov. 8–10, 2013)
- October: Planning and organizing VFMS Folk Retreat like crazy! Cost: $120.
- September: Planning and organizing VFMS Folk Retreat (Nov. 8–10). Cost: TBD
at Camp George Pringle, Shawnigan Lake, B.C.
- August: NO Business Meeting in August 2013!
- August: (Saturday, 10th) VFMS Third Annual Community Picnic (Time: 3-7pm)
Esquimalt Gorge Park, 1070 Tillicum Road, Victoria, BC
Bring instruments, songs, a potluck contribution, chairs, drinks, plates, cutlery, sunscreen.
The potluck feast will begin at 5:00 pm.
- May: We are joining with Deep Cove Folk and Sooke Folk Club to bring Stringband to Victoria on Thursday July 18 at 7:30 pm, $25 General Admission.
2012 MONTHLY Business Meetings
- December 30: Seasonal Potluck and Dance
- December: VFMS Annual General Meeting (7:30pm, Dec. 5th)
- November: VFMS Autumn Folk Retreat (Nov. 9–11) 60 happy attendees!
- September: Planning and organizing VFMS Folk Retreat (Nov. 9–11). Cost: $110 each
at Camp George Pringle, Shawnigan Lake, B.C.
- August: VFMS Second Annual Community Picnic (Time: 3-7pm)
Esquimalt Gorge Park, 1070 Tillicum Road, Victoria, BC
Bring instruments, songs, a potluck contribution, chairs, drinks, plates, cutlery, sunscreen.
The potluck feast will begin at 5:00 pm.
Also: volunteers for our VFMS booth at the FolkWest Festival
- July: acquire new (second) banner and more T-shirts, support for the FolkWest Festival,
November Retreat; NO Business Meeting in August . . .
- May: We are looking at some support for FolkWest 2012 . . .
- February: We are looking at a rent increase . . .
2011 MONTHLY Business Meetings
- December: VFMS Annual General Meeting (7:30pm, Dec. 7th)
- December 18: Seasonal Potluck and Dance
- Christmas Day Dec. 25 and New Year's Day: VFMS closed
- November: VFMS Folk Retreat (Nov. 11–13). Cost: $110 each at Camp George Pringle, Shawnigan Lake, B.C.
- August: FolkWest VFMS booth and stage sponsor
VFMS T-shirts!
Folk Jam and Picnic
2010 VFMS Discussion Meetings
In response to the positive feedback that we received at our very successful VFMS Discussion Meeting held on February 28, 2010, we ran additional meetings the successive 3 months to cover specific issues raised by the VFMS Survey in more depth.
The meetings were held at Norway House from 5:00–7:00PM (prior to our normal weekly show) and used the same Potluck and Discussion format as our first meeting.
Thanks to all for attending and providing us with your input on how to improve VFMS. And thanks also for bringing your lovely Potluck dishes to share with the other participants!
Apr. 25 Theme: Attendance |
May 30 Theme: Finances |
Jun. 27 Theme: Format |
Topics discussed: |
Topics discussed: |
Topics discussed: |
• Attendance Generation |
• Reducing our Costs |
• Scheduling/Format |
• Promotional Activities |
• Membership & Door Prices |
• Audibility/Amplification |
• Fund Raising Ideas |
• Ambience |
Thanks for your support,
the VFMS Discussion Meeting Working Group
Annual VFMS General Meetings